All Saints is a brand I discovered through Shopstyle, and I really love their edgy, yet comfortable vibe. Can I tell you what a crush I have on the dress below-there is a flamingo on it for goodness sakes!
With spring approaching, I have been thinking about things that I want to add to my spring wardrobe and the #1 thing is white denim. I have loved this trend for so long but have never made the plunge and I think that this year is the year! I have picked some different pairs that are all pretty similar but have higher and lower prices!
I am obsessed with new shoes for spring right now - obsessed! Anything that promises to let my ankles and toes see the light of day after this long winter makes me swoon! Here are a few of my top picks! And I seem to be quite drawn to neutrals, can you tell? What are you looking at for shoes this spring?
top 15 under $100-week 24
Thursday, February 24, 2011